I've got pie on the brain big time. It's such a pretty dessert. And even more important, it's delicious warmed up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum! A couple of weeks ago I bought these cute mini pie makers and I am dying to use them. I bought the heart and the star at
Williams - Sonoma. They have little cut outs that reveal the flavor.

I love pie paraphernalia, especially if it's cute! I love this pie plate with the big fat edges. I wonder how it looks after it's baked. Very artsy.

I made a cherry pie from scratch one time. It's VERY messy but oh so good! If you're going to make a cherry pie, you'll need a cherry pitter. I would do it outside or over a sink and definitely don't have your favorite shirt on. I think cherry juice stains.

If you make your own crust you're also going to need pie weights or beans work just as well and will save you a few bucks.

I love all kinds of pie but my favorites are Strawberry-Rhubarb, Cherry, and Blueberry (Pumpkin too but that's a fall dessert). The more I think about it, I don't know if there is a pie I don't like. :) What's your favorite kind of pie?

Lisa :)
My favorite pie is a mixed berry pie (full of strawberries, blueberries, cherries and even rhubbarb). I love pie so much that we served it at my wedding this past November. It was a big arguement with my mom, who thought people wouldn't get the pie thing and miss the cake so we had a mini cake for us to cut that served about 40. And to mom's surprise everyone RAVED! So hah!
Oh, I MUST have those mini pie makers. Williams Sonoma is evil, don't you think?
those little pie makers are ridiculously too cute!
don't you just wish you could have the entire williams sonoma inventory!!
i love a warm slice of homemade apple pie with fresh vanilla icecream
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