Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm feeling blue...and green

A couple of days ago I was taking stock of my house and I realized just how much blue and green I have. I didn't do it on purpose, I just seem to be drawn to those colors. They call to me, sometimes a whisper, sometimes a shout, "buy me!". I think both colors are considered "cool" colors and are relaxing and inspiring because they are the colors of nature. They're the color of the sky on a warm summer day, the grass under your feet when you're racing through a sprinkler (I think I already have summer on the brain). Whatever the reason, I know they make my house feel warm, comfortable and peaceful like a good home should. This is my sanctuary.What color(s) dominate your home? How do they make you feel?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love that green corner hutch! I have way to much berry/pink colors in my house...but my husband doesn't mind!