I don't know if anyone else ever has this problem, but sometimes I buy stuff and I decide it is too pretty to use. For example, the fabric below is
Barefoot Roses, absolutely beautiful, but I don't want to cut it. Which, if I want to make an apron or a cute bag, I would have to do. What if I destroy it or don't do it justice? So it sits in my knitting basket, positioned in such a way that I can constantly admire it. I'm sure I will eventually get the courage, but not today.

Luckily, I have other projects that keep me occupied. I will warn you right now, I am one of those people who has a lot of projects going on at once. I always finish them, but sometimes it takes a little time because they are missing that last little something special.

In other cases, I have everything I need and can finish quickly and am really happy with the results. I completed this shadow box after I saw one at
Candice's blog and loved it. The next day I was working on one for myself.

Well, good night all and here's to all the other courageless crafters in hopes that we will find it within ourselves, the belief that what we create is great and worthy and let not a sewing machine, glue stick or beautiful piece of fabric (or scrapbook paper) scare us away from our dreams!